Tell me what’s a’happenin!”
– Jesus Christ Superstar, lyrics by Tim Rice
May 21 – June 20, 2015
Life Purpose
Clear Perception/Thought; Communication; Maintaining a Sense of Wonder
Positive Archetypes—the Essential Nature of Gemini
The… Observer; Witness; Communicator; Teacher; Trickster (Teacher); Record Keeper; Story Teller; Journalist; Messenger; Writer/Speaker/Researcher; Curious One
Negative Archetypes--Learning Experiences for Gemini
The… Chatterer; Prattler; Trickster (Liar); Yellow Journalist; Pedant; Bigot; Busybody; Gossip; Windbag; Bore; Speed Demon
The Pace has shifted…
The slow, sensual pace of the Taurean phase has shifted. May flower petals have fallen to the ground in pastel showers. The flambouyant mating rituals of birds have shifted into the frenetic search for grubs to feed baby chicks. Sunny days are inviting us out to explore the world, budding now with a million phenomenal scenarios of unfolding plant, insect and animal life. Newly dug gardens in some neighborhoods are well on the way to becoming chaotic patches of unexpected miracles, seed labels for the garden rows already forgotten. . .
So who are the Twins?
A brother and sister, two lovers, enemies, a Grandparent and Grandchild, soulmates, worthy opponents. . . Eyes, ears, noses, fingers, every sense vibrating with total fascination, they are unraveling each other’s essence. They observe the obvious, scan for slight traces of meaning in each other’s subtlest gestures. No expression escapes notice. . . they’re consumed by curiosity, a crazy itch buzzing in the brain day and night. . .
Also, we live in a world of opposites and every phase in between them. The “Twins” of light and dark, up and down, back and forth, cold and hot, light and shadow, female and male, old and young, forever and now, there and here; but in the case of Gemini, we’re talking about someone who embodies the traits of observer of these phenomena.
What is it they want?
To see everything! Mission Impossible! But never mind! Life is mystery and miracle, to be witnessed but never solved, and the Twins are here to prove it!
How should the Twins proceed?
Taurus needed peace and tranquility, stillness and whatever environment and resources were needed to create that. . . but for these mad Twins, that is death. They are here to see everything, no matter if it’s an impossible task. They’re here as observers, not so much as philosophers, as reporters – witnesses to the phenomena of life itself. They need to live a life full of variety and activity. They need to learn that boredom is to be tolerated only as a last sacrament. They need to make sure their minds never stop growing. But how? We’re creatures of habit. . . it’s so easy to get locked in. . .
Chaos… first step in the learning curve
Each of us has millions of pictures in our brain files. We may all carry similar pictures but how do we validate the meanings we attach to them? The Western medical doctor may trivialize the spontaneous healing catalyzed by the QiGong master to a mere fluke or maybe just “luck.” The Fundamentalist Christian demonizes the Buddhist monk’s inspired visions. Many a Mom and Dad have molded their child’s mind to their own wishes, choosing to believe that children have no valid self-perceptions. Gemini needs to bypass the tendency to do these things. It needs put meaning on hold, to allow things to make no sense at all. It needs to embrace the state of chaos, of pure perception, of seeing without bias. Once Gemini has given itself permission to be confused about life, then next step can begin to unfold.
Next step…
Everyone has pictures in their brains. Everyone has lived through certain experiences that lead them to believe certain things about those pictures. To gain access to other people’s beliefs – the results of their observations – questions have to be asked. Gemini’s next step is to ask, then listen, then evaluate. The pictures have to be processed. At the speed of electricity, perspectives are compared, the data sifted through for clues, discrepancies, similarities, dis-similarities, then sized up, summed up… but the next problem might be to get them to stop talking about it all and listen again. Listening and talking need to be balanced for information to flow correctly, something that doesn’t always seem to come easy for Gemini.
Curiosity and other resources
So how is such work to be taken on without miring in total boredom, or falling into the abyss of endless chaos? Gemini’s primary resource is curiosity, a mind open to a sense of wonder; instead of resisting over-amp, embracing it. Getting mindblown. Vitality, physical and mental, is pretty helpful here too and Gemini folks seem to have it in good measure, along with enthusiasm and of course, intelligence. These are the prime resources for this sign. And talking? Yes, the Twins can talk the hind leg off a donkey!
The Shadow side
I once knew someone whose doctoral thesis in logic proved that the Moon is made of green cheese. He was also a religious fanatic. There seemed to be a correlation between those two things but I don’t think he could see it… Gemini on the defensive, can perform the miracle of revealing extraordinary “facts.” Right or wrong, they’ll win the argument. Easy to fall for the Trickster and get put off the scent of your own heartfelt opinion when this barrage of words hits you full on. Or a Gemini might tell you all the minutest details of a jazz musician’s life without once every tapping a toe to the music…
Also, the constant buzz of thinking can leave a Gemini jumpy and nervous when there’s not enough quiet time spent in heartfelt communication or enough physical exercise to realease the buzz. Don’t expect them to do push ups, though. Maybe dancing, a game of volley ball or badminton will do it, or a walk with a friend to talk to. Gemini is definitely not here to be bored.
Gemini is here, though, to absorb the world, in all it’s wildness, mystery and paradox. There really should be no space for bigotry and complacency in their lives to shield them from raw, unprocessed experience. But to keep from going around in endless circles, they need to lock in with intention. They need to know what they want and where they’re going. They need to make the choice to stay in line what their “noble purpose” is; to stay in touch with their feelings and to see the oneness of all things and the patterns of connection throughout all life.
When you look into a mirror
You see yourself a little clearer
When a mirror looks at you
It doesn’t have a point of view
When you’re an unbiased hearer
You become just like the mirror
Reflecting back just what you see
With such candid accuracy!
Perception is a one way street
Communication is another
And lying side by side they meet
Meant to complement each other
And so we travel on life’s highways
Checking out the lanes and byways
Moving seeming endlessly
Amazed at all there is to see!
Amazed at all there is to see!
Amazed at all there is to be!
When you look into a mirror
You see yourself a little clearer
When a mirror looks at you
It doesn’t have a point of view
—Lark Bowerman © 2015