October 22 - November 20, 2016
Life Purpose
Honest Connection with Intense Feelings; Healing the Deep Subconscious; Embracing Destiny
Positive Archetypes—the Essential Nature of Scorpio
The… Psychotherapist; Detective/Sleuth; Spy; Secret Agent; Provocateur; Hypnotist; Shaman; Spiritualist/Medium/ Psychic; Sorcerer/ess; Occultist; Medical Intuitive; Past Life Regressionist; Charismatic; Prophet; Priest/Priestess; Sexual/Spiritual Catalyst; Hospice Worker
Negative Archetypes—Learning Experiences for Scorpio
The… Manipulator; Spy/Voyeur/Peeper/ Snoop/ Intruder/ Interloper/Trespasser; Seducer/ Siren/Charmer/Tease;
Sexual Deviant; Evil Sorcerer/ Wicked Witch; Charlatan/ Deceiver/ Cheater/Decoy; Vampire; Cultist
This door swings both ways
Lets in earth and sky
Make the most of livin’
If you’re not prepared to die
Make the most of livin’
If you’re not prepared to die
From the album, “Both Sides of Herman’s Hermits”
African Medicine Man, Malidoma Some recounts a saying of his Dagara tribe something like this: If we go forward, we die. If we go back we die. So, Hell with it, lets go forward and die!
Late autumn…the light is lessening and growing weaker.
Leaves are falling. We’ve passed the Equinox point of balance. The tang of frost in the air now reminds us that any creature without food and shelter or adequate strength will face death before long. The life force is withdrawing to the Source. Many animals, plants and insects are either dying or going into dormancy or hibernation. More people will die between Thanksgiving and New Year than at any other time of the year.
Feel the intensity
Step aside, make way for the inevitable; make way for someone who has no options left but to live or die. You are meeting Scorpio.
Reading between life’s lines, sizing up the underlying situation, is what Scorpio naturally does. But why? What’s the point? Why bother looking at all the knots on the underside of the tapestry? Why study the innards of the world’s workings?
Uncomfortable questions…
In November 2003, we moved to the Czech Republic where we lived for a time in the small village of Karlstein, just outside the City of Prague. While we were there, we received an invitation from a musician friend to come hear him play. He was accompanying a solo dance performance on keyboard.
For several hours, the room full of about a hundred people sat in tensely focused silence as a virtually naked woman danced…with a skeleton…
The second Iraq war had just started. The world was in shock or denial or protest. George W. Bush had just visited the city for the NATO summit. People had stayed home leaving the streets deserted. Protesters were banned from the downtown area.
That winter in Prague was so cold that snow wasn’t even falling. (I learned, while there that this is something that happens.) Our electricity got turned off. We had to wash clothes by hand in freezing water. I spent a good part of my time chopping wood for the fire. Soul searching was definitely the order of the time. We were dancing with death.
It seems that in the time of Scorpio the soul enters this world with a need for soul searching and healing
This sign has a strongly instinctive nature, a need to heighten awareness, to look around to sense what changes are in the air, to be alert to hidden danger or tremendous possibility. In the energy of this archetype is both the sting of death and the quickening of life. Transformation. Scorpio’s choices will determine whether the soul will grow, leaving behind the shackles of the past, or go deep into denial.
Denial of the darkness of negativity is Scorpio’s death warrant.
There’s nothing worse for anyone — but especially a Scorpio — than to live a numb, meaningless existence, to fail to penetrate to the essence of life. Scorpio is here to live every moment with the passionate awareness that we are working against time, that death is inevitable.
Gaze deeply into the eyes of your Scorpio friend or lover. You may find an unusually hypnotic quality there, an uncanny depth and intensity that may be just a touch unsettling. Their eyes seem to be saying, “Are you willing to go the distance with me? Are you in it for the long haul? Are you prepared to face whatever life may bring us, hand in hand? I want and need your total commitment.”
The ability common to most of us, to seal off the doorway between the conscious and subconscious is something that Scorpio doesn’t have. Instead, this function works more like a swinging door. Scorpio has been given access to the taboo, the occult and the secret side of life…and the taboo and the occult also have access to Scorpio. Close encounters with someone of this sign seem to burn something into our soul’s awareness with indelible ink. We won’t forget it.
Facing the dark isn’t something anybody wants to do alone. Instinctively we have always banded together as a human group to face the things that we’re afraid of. Not only is there strength in numbers, but the potential for greater perspective (sometimes greater loss of perspective as well!) Bonding, the sexual bond in particular, is totally important to Scorpio as is the commitment to being bonded, for better or for worse, whether it’s an individual, family, clan, or species relationship. A Scorpio who can’t bond or who stifles the sexual urge is a sad sight to see because bonding is one of Scorpio’s prime resources. So is humor. BLACK humor!
I remember when I was first introduced to Monty Python’s particular brand of Black humor, I was in my late teens and pathetically naive. “It was absolutely horrifying that people were actually watching this stuff!!! Oh well, the world was obviously going to the dogs…”
Time went by and I met the man I’m now married to. We bonded. Within that bond, one of the horrifying things to surface (as horrifying things do within all intimate bonds) was that he loved Monty Python. But by this time in my life, I was ready for change, and off we went to see “The Life of Brian.” Having a companion to face the darkness with, I suddenly found the whole thing insanely funny. I laughed with more than humor. I laughed with fervor as all of the Christian archetypes of my childhood were nailed to the cross and resurrected with new meaning. I had lost my reverence for a lot of dogma. I felt healed!
Letting go of some of our reverence for the depths is also a very “Scorpio” thing.
Time out for a couple jokes. The following
are actual notices from church bulletins:
The topic for this Sunday’s sermon will be “What is Hell?”
Come early and listen to our choir practice.
Don’t let worry kill you. Let the church help.
There’s a saying among astrologers…
That Scorpio has the reputation, but Taurus has all the fun. It’s referring to sex.
Actually, there’s some truth to this in my experience. While Taurus is here to “revel in the flesh,” Scorpio is here to work out any problems around the issue. This is the venom of the Scorpion transmuted into a healing elixir. Enter, the sex therapist who may or may not have worked out their own problems first. The ones who have, can really teach you a thing or two… and they’ll make you laugh hard too. The ones who haven’t…watch out for the sting!
Scorpio wants to get to the core issues; to see behind the veil of assumptions and lies that routine living tends to cloud our perspective with. It doesn’t–or shouldn’t–tolerate platitudes and clichés very well. Scorpio’s passion and voracious thirst takes it in the direction of the occult, of the taboo, the hidden and the mysterious. Because down that road that is where destiny lies. You may find them as hospice workers, or on the front lines of some battle for truth.
We know that the release of buried emotions and hidden pain yields TREMENDOUS ENERGY!!!! Reunite with your Inner Child; clear out the emotions associated with sexual abuse. You get a new lease on life. THAT my friends, is what Scorpio is after. And in this crucible of experience is where Shamans, great healers, and effective therapists are made.
AVOID THESE ISSUES and Scorpio becomes the deviant, the psychopath, the Evil Sorcerer, the Money-making Surgeon. Or the Gray (repressed) Lizard.
According to Shaman and author, Martin Prechtel, in older spiritual traditions, the compost pile is the place where the most sacred alters are placed. In his book, Secrets of the Talking Jaguar, he relates that the Mayan culture in which he lived and trained, was in fact, based on the principle of decay. As long as people built houses in a primitive enough fashion, they were always guaranteed to, of course, fall down — giving everyone a much needed excuse to come together while building a new one.
Modern manufacturers have something called “planned obsolescence.” This is how we get cheaply made goods. And we don’t much come together to help each other as a result of it.
Recycling? Not a problem in nature!
So, in the immortal words of Eric Idle,
“Life’s a piece of shit
When you look at it…
So always look on the bright side of death.”
If you want to read an excellent book on death, try Robert Moss’ The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead: A Soul Traveler’s Guide to Death Dying and the Other Side.
And here are the lyrics of a song I wrote for Patti Lee, my friend who died of lymphoma at the full moon just before 9/11.
(For Patti)
Dance while the little cricket sings
Before the killing frost begins
Before the golden full moon wanes
While warm blood pulses in your veins
Dance while the crimson poppy blooms
Over the quiet moulding tombs
Bright sunshine yields to heavy rains
The kindness of the summer wanes
Dance while the frost is in the air
And Autumn’s colours burst and flare
The darkness comes before you know
Take light and love before you go
My friend’s dark eyes have lit the way
To know the path she took today
I’ll meet her sooner than I know
in that bright world to which we go --
—This world’s the shadow of its Light
Our sunshine’s duller than its night
Our fingers slip, we cannot hold
We’re drawn so quickly to its gold
So back again into the Womb
Great Mother, Spirit, takes us soon
And wipes away the tears we’ve shed
For all our friends who once were dead
—Lark Bowerman copyright 2016